Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Owls are not what they seem.

“I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath.”
David Lynch
9″ x 12″-Oil on Canvas
There are few moments I can recall, that are as predominantly strange in the collective,cultural zeitgeist, as Twin Peaks was back when it aired in 1990. Certainly, for at least the first season-one could sense that the Lynch/Frost amalgam, had unraveled the seams of sinister architecture. Given the insidious hive mind of mainstream television, it’s unfathomable that it was allowed to air beyond the third episode, but there it is, a shining beacon that reverberates it’s influence through things like The Killing, Hannibal and True Detective.
“The Owls are not what they seem”- the ominous portent by giant Carel Struyken-is my little homage in celebration of the news that a new season is in production.
It’s also timely as Comicon is upon us again and you can view it in person from my studio, concurrently during the forthcoming Marvel/DC show at La Bodega on July 11th

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