Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Picture this-the Art of Serial Killer Culture

Here's another still from the upcoming documentary-Serial Killer Culture, In which I am trying to break the fourth dimension by disappearing into the paint. Whilst we all await my talking head debut, check out some of John Borowski's titles on Netflix, because real life monsters are much scarier-

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Emma Gough-The Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

One of the many joys of parenthood, is getting to watch your offspring flourish creatively. So it is with my daughter-Emma, whose own artistic travails would make any practicing daubers head spin-painting,drawing,collage,applique,textiles,photography,make up-all pour out of her at an alarming rate. One of the core joys last year was watching her Graduate her BA Art honors degree, which followed on from her premier showcase-The Ritual series.

Below is just a small selection of her beautiful works, of you can see more of Emma on her site HERE, or by liking her facebook: facebook.com/EmmaGoughArtAndCraft where she currently has a very generous giveaway of one of her gorgeous original Art pieces.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Permanent fixture at Hyaena Gallery (for now.)

I was reminded by a link on my news feed today, that along with some fine Art prints-you can still see some of the original pieces from Octobers Man/son show at Hyeana, including the pivotal painting-'Healter Skelter' (below)
Check out the link or contact myself or Hyaena if you are interested in purchasing any of the available work.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Stirring a Hot Brew-David Herrle interviews David Gough on Subtle Tea

I've been very fortunate  this year to be interviewed by some brilliant minds, and there is none less acutely idiosyncratic than mister David Herrle, who runs a site called Subtle Tea, but rather aptly-is also the author of an extraordinary forthcoming book, which I have been lucky enough to spy entitled Sharon Tate, and the daughters of Joy.  More details on that when its released.

For the time being, David kept me on my toes in what I would describe as my most comprehensive interview to date, in which I noodle about the Man/son series, mortality and  daubing. You can read the full transcript below.