Saturday, June 1, 2013

Stirring a Hot Brew-David Herrle interviews David Gough on Subtle Tea

I've been very fortunate  this year to be interviewed by some brilliant minds, and there is none less acutely idiosyncratic than mister David Herrle, who runs a site called Subtle Tea, but rather aptly-is also the author of an extraordinary forthcoming book, which I have been lucky enough to spy entitled Sharon Tate, and the daughters of Joy.  More details on that when its released.

For the time being, David kept me on my toes in what I would describe as my most comprehensive interview to date, in which I noodle about the Man/son series, mortality and  daubing. You can read the full transcript below.


1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure to do the interview with you. - David (Herrle)
