Something for the Weekend-Ferry Across the Mersey.
I sit here this sedentary Sunday afternoon, on the eve of becoming a grandfather for the first time.Despite my predisposition to be a curmudgeonly old sod, if I'm honest, I never thought I'd feel old enough to be a grandparent. And yet as my daughter-Emma- lies in a labor ward on the other side of the world, I must admit to being beside myself with anxious excitement at the prospect. I can't wait to meet you little Quinn-I can't wait to see myself maybe a little wise in your eyes. We shall be leaving for the UK in just a few days. Meanwhile, as Lani and I have been busily preparing for our trip, any effort in the studio has been at the behest of organizing my crap, and cleaning out every dusty nook and crannie. I did manage to complete 'the Triumvirate' piece however, which now has a new temporary home at the San Diego Art Institute. Its looking like an exciting showcase, and I'm pleased with how solid this collection is-I've great ambition for the project to culminate when we return.
For the moment however, I am content knowing that I'll be spending the time in between with my family, meeting my grandson, perhaps walking along the river Mersey with a steaming bag of fish and chips, or standing in front of 'when did you last see your Father' by Yeames at the Walker. Its been too long.
Which reminds me...I never liked Gerry and the Pacemakers version of Ferry across the Mersey, but my old ZTT stable mates Frankie goes to Hollywood did a nice dramatic retread in the 80's, which was on the B side for Relax.
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