Monday, December 29, 2014

Six Page Interview in Serial Killer Quarterly

As delightfully diabolical as a sack of infant gizzards delivered by Krampus himself, is the Christmas edition of Serial Killer Quarterly, published by Grinning Man Press. Enough to curdle chilled eggnog by the fire, it features the most wretched deviants to stain the virgin white snow of humanity, oh and me also. 
You can order a copy from the following link:  


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Snapshots from Studio V

Has it really been almost two months since my last update? Where have I been you ask?
I've been at Studio V in La Bodega doing...well...you know, it'd probably be a lot easier for both of us if you just saw for yourself. The pictures tell a far better tale than words can at any rate. 

'Oil and Blood'-11" x 14". Ink of Paper

Visit from world renowned Artist Vincent Castigli-now the owner of one of my Art pieces.

"Would this Monster make the Man"- 36" X 48" Oil on canvas, $3,500

 Explaining the nuances of 'Osmosis', my most popular piece by far with female visitors.

'Poe Faced'-Mixed media on paper-11" x 14"


Talking about the 'God of Fuck'

With Base Jumper Clair Marie and her beau Alex

Finally, here's a rather lovely little write up about La Bodega including yours truly from the Daily Aztec.

Van Gough’s presence was especially fitting for Dia de los Muertos. - See more at: http://www.thedailyaztec.com/59123/entertainment/day-of-the-dead-gallery-keeps-art-alive/#sthash.Kg1veWG5.8rAe7KMk.dpuf
Van Gough’s presence was especially fitting for Dia de los Muertos. - See more at: http://www.thedailyaztec.com/59123/entertainment/day-of-the-dead-gallery-keeps-art-alive/#sthash.Kg1veWG5.8rAe7KMk.dpuf
Van Gough’s presence was especially fitting for Dia de los Muertos. - See more at: http://www.thedailyaztec.com/59123/entertainment/day-of-the-dead-gallery-keeps-art-alive/#sthash.Kg1veWG5.8rAe7KMk.dp

Sunday, November 2, 2014

David Van Gough Interview on Hiplanta

 " I think it's a very normal and natural human response to look at a beautiful scene, stand by a lake or whatever, and feel a prevailing sense of mournful melancholy that the moment is transient and that the shadow of mortality is nestling under a damp log somewhere." 

That's an extract from another interview I recently did with journalist Wil Lewellyn on Hiplanta in which I talk Serial killer culture, sex in Horror films, the O.T.O, Art spiritualism and future plans.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Review of Purgatorium on Art Business.com

"David Van Gough conjures up fabulously fantastic, elaborate, and at times grotesque and ghastly realities. Worth seeing"

Purgatorium maybe off the walls, but the show recently enjoyed the tremendous accolade of being featured on Art Business, accompanied by a review and photos  taken by none other than Alan Bamberger.
It's midway down the post:


Sunday, October 26, 2014


"It was the whole shabby search for why I am, and it brought me back to the Van Gogh thing, that martyred bastard's shadow" 

I've been super fortunate to be interviewed by Joseph Collins over at CVLT NATION this week, and you can read the full article by clicking the link below. Cheers fellas.

CVLT Nation interview

Sunday, October 12, 2014

First Artwork from Studio V

The first week at Studio V. 
In which, reflecting the current climate of  media hyper tension, filtered through something that could be an outtake from the last show, and fueled by the best taco shops around, here then, are the beginnings of a new work using grisaille under painting technique.

That's the babe Achilles, hanging by the heel like the Tarot, waiting to be baptized by the searing stream. 

I guess we are all Achilles.

In the coming weekends, there will be three consecutive shows at La Bodega, culminating in the almighty Day of the Dead, so show dates and jive to follow. 

Better get my draw on then.

In the meantime, here are my open to the public hours, so local folks please do drop in. 

Wed to Friday 10am-4.30pm

All other times by appointment only. Message me for private viewings.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Setting Out Ones Stall- David Van Gough comes to La Bodega Galleries and Studios

And so, the show ended yesterday, but it's not over by any rotund ladies long stretch.

Here in the afterlife, Purgatorium will still be available to purchase directly from the gallery until January 2015, and although nothing official yet, we are still Bashing out (see what I did there?) tentative plans to extend the remainder of the show in another form. Details to be announced as and when they happen. 

A million plans a million dreams.

In the interim, there will be no laurel lounging, because the prodigal son is returned, or at least walking in a new pair of shoes. 
Which is why I am stoked to tell you all that from October 8th, I shall be working from the Artist collective at La Bodega gallery and studios in Barrio Logan San Diego, at studio V-quite aptly.

There will be regular shows and I'm looking forward to the local folks dropping by for a cuppa and checking out whats on the easel.

I'll follow with more of the particulars soon,but for now-David it's back to work for you my son.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Interview at Cartwheel Art

 '...it was like fuck you Van Gogh, we share the same name, but I’m not going to end up broke, batshit with syphilis, toothless and eating oil paint.'

That's an excerpt from a rather spiffing interview with Cartwheel Art about my show-thank you Dahlia Jane and Cartwheel for batting in my corner:


Friday, September 12, 2014

Purgatorium Featured Spread in Visual Artistry Magazine

Just got  the heads up that those sterling folks over at Visual Artistry magazine, have featured the entire Purgatorium show as an eight page spread, in there September edition-page 44 for anyone paying attention numerically.

Not sure on the release date, but when it lands it will be available digitally and in printed form from HERE

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Purgatorium Artist Reception at Bash Contemporary, September 6th 2014

In which a colorful array including the best of friends, fans and new fellowships convened upon a gallery in San Francisco for my chef d'oeuvre.  And what a night it was, the end of a most remarkable week in the Bay-a veritable breath of heady air before airing.

Too many people to thank but a heartfelt debt of gratitude to all the wonderful friends who traveled from a afar-you know who you are, my thanks to Bash Contemporary and the lovely curious folk who made it out to the show in support-you are grand. 
The show will continue to run until October 5th.


Some downtime with friends-Christopher Ulrich and Matt Levin

Talking Art with Sandy Yagi

With the ever exotic Stephanie Vega, Her husband Glenn and my dear friend Dahlia Jane

in the midst of Purgatory, beautiful duo Melinda and my wife Lani 

You can see the rest of the photos from the night-HERE 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The fruits of Labor days

It's one week away-Purgatorium at Bash- two years worth of preparation kneeling at the alter of my easel, a hanging for public dissemination, though not too much of a public hanging hopefully. 
The Art is framed and wrapped like Festivus,and we shall be hitting the road for the long haul to the Bay shortly.
Which just leaves me to say a hearty thank you to everyone who has shared, liked and commented through the social media sphere- whilst certain 'official' quarters remain less than forthcoming in recognizing my efforts-I am always encouraged by the enthusiasm and support of my true fans. 


Hope to see some of you next week


Artist reception Saturday September 6th-6pm-9pm

210 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Final Painting for the Purgatorium show


Although most of my friends on Facebook and the like will be acquainted with it by now, here it is for your viewing pleasure-"This thing of Darkness, I acknowledge mine"

What to tell you about it-well, not only is it the last piece I painted, but it's the final piece in the entire series. I had intended 'He who dies, pays all debts" (and I apologize for the long titles, but you know-go tell it to Shakespeare) but I really wanted the arc to end on a high note, as well as it be something which could include Joseph Locke, William Blake and my cat Ronin. 

With all that said, it's kind of a farewell to England, or the idea of England-a place that exists as an idea rather than tangible landmass. A topography of the mind, or at least its surrounding ocean if you will. 

It'll be hung along it's sisters and brothers throughout September at Bash Contemporary. 

Yeah, you know the drill. HERE

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Hard to believe that just two short years ago, I was in a similar storm working on the Man/son showcase. Of course-the scale, proportions and the month of fevered frenzy it took, are worlds apart from the years work I have just undertaken. Still, evoking as it did; the dark Cabalistic, turbulence surrounding a ritualistic killing during the summer of 69, and threading the seeping black tendrils of madness and paranoia spanning centuries, is not the best of pursuits when you are painting for fourteen hours a day,  inhaling turpentine in 106 degrees and listening to Revolution 9 on repeat.

Still, I came out the other side, none the richer or wiser, and now since it's part of the segment of a documentary called Serial Killer Culture, you can stream my fifteen minute moment, to see and hear more for yourself.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Candy Covered Coatings.

Here I am, gilding the lilly, or slapping on a final coat of varnish to the layman. If we as artists were an honest breed, I imagine we would admit that it is the absolute worst part of the process, the moment when all your hours meticulously working color, hue and detail, is obliterated by chance, akin to dragging broad daubs of phlegmatic, milky, sputum across your work with the flat edge of a broom. It's an absolute macrocosm in time,space and humidity and one give's oneself over absolutely to the alchemy of environment, which when all said and done, is probably wonderfully freeing and cathartic, and rather like a trial by fire or some thing like that. 

Regardless, we are just under three weeks away from endgame, skates on, showdown or up if you will. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Purgatorium-Graphite versions

One of the core pleasures of this series, was the opportunity to do detailed sketches before scaling up to their painted versions. All the pieces are 11" x 14" and priced at $500 each, any inquiries should be forwarded to info@bashcontemporary.com.






1. Good wombs have borne bad sons.

2. Whats past is prologue.

3. A thousand furlongs of sea, for an acre of barren land.

4. The dark and backward abysm of time

5. Brave new world

6. Misery acquaints man with strange bedfellows

7. So lie there, my Art

8. Poor worm, thou art infected

9. Night kept chained below

10. Space have I to lie in such a prison

11. He that dies pays all debts

12. This thing of darkness, I acknowledge mine  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Purgatorium on site

Breaking on through-that's me putting on the final touches before clearing the rubble, and final calls before showtime. For the remainder, I'll be gilding the Lilly with varnish and trying to get the word out-the toughest challenge of all.
So I also designed a site for the showcase, which kind of frames the series nicely I think, so check it out-bookmark it, share it.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Press Release for the Purgatorium Show

Please feel free to reshare with relevant news outlets

San Diego

Bash Contemporary Gallery presents:
David Van Gough's Purgatorium

September 5th through October 5th
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 6, 6 pm to 9 am

Bash Contemporary
210 Golden Gate Avenue,
San Francisco, CA 94102
 (415) 926-8573

Artist website: www.davidgoughart.com/Purgatorium.htm

About Purgatorium

In his forty-fifth Year, David Van Gough embarked upon a series which would finally confront the daunting shadow cast by his most famous ancestor, and the inevitable connotations of that surname.

Adopting the characterization of Vincent Van Gogh as martyr, and recapitulating stanza's from Shakespeare's Tempest as themes of metaphorical exile - Purgatorium (Latin for the place in between) sets a chronological backdrop of imagined personal biography from birth to death, against an undercurrent of ancient sinister architecture, and the desolate shipyards of his Liverpool hometown.

An epic aphorism, Purgatorium is Gough's contemporary exorcism, an ode from the artist as forgotten alchemist, examining the painters role as both confessor and inquisitor, in a continued tortured state of crippling self evaluation, against the burgeoning detritus of modern assimilation


A self-proclaimed Necrorealist, David Van Gough is an artist originally from Liverpool, England living in California.

Using allegory chronicling a heightened sense of mortality, and the madness of the minds subterranean fathoms, his work is an emotional excavation for purpose.

An Honoree Artist of 2010 at the San Diego Art Institute, his work has been exhibited at the Oceanside Museum of Art as well as hosted in a succession of solo showcases on both sides of the Atlantic. More recently, his previous exhibit- Man/son and the haunting of the American Madonna- has been featured as part of the critically acclaimed documentary Serial Killer Culture by John Borowski.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

First full review of Purgatorium

"David said to me that if we could unburden our preconceptions of what the artist is supposed to be, we could get back to the experience of art."

As has become customary, the marvelous Upon a Midnight Dreary blog has gotten there first and reviewed my forthcoming Purgatorium show ahead of the rest of the World. It did help that Dahlia Jane, had the opportunity to see a couple of the works first hand, whilst she was here for the SD expo. You can read her spiffing review in full from the link HERE. Thank you Dahlia.

In other quarters-the Social Media ones-regardless of algorithm impediments, it's been well received from what I can tell. With that said, I happily welcome any prospective bloggers, writers or editors to cover my show, and should any of my readers happen to know how to get my work before the right ears, eyes and noses for periodicals like Hi Fructose, Juxtapoz (all the usual suspects), I'd appreciate it. Any buzz generated will make all the difference to the outcome